CITES-2009 Conference and the NEESPI Regional Workshop Devoted to Siberian Studies

July 11-15, 2009, Siberian Federal University / RAS Forest Institute, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

CITES Conference Program

Day 1. Saturday, July 11, 2009

10:00 – 19:00 Practical Session: Guided tour to to examine the state of environment of the natural reserve "Krasnoyarskie stolby" and visit to Krasnoyarskaya hydroelectric power station.

Day 2, Sunday, July 12, 2009

8:50 - 09:00 Opening Ceremony (S.V. Verkhovets, E.P. Gordov)

9:00 – 10:45. Session 1. Data, metadata and ontologies

Chair –A.Z. Fazliev (Russia)

Invited reports
1. Tennyson J., Fazliev A.Z. (Great Britain, London; Russia, Tomsk) “Project VAMDC: molecular data and metadata"
2. Donner R. (Germany, Dresden) “Advanced nonlinear analysis of climate time series by complex systems methods”
3. Bulygina O. N., Razuvaev V. N. (Russia, Obninsk) “Russian baseline datasets for climatological studies over Northern Eurasia and their use in analyses of contemporary climatic changes over the Russia”

Oral reports
1. Titov A.G., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G. (Russia, Tomsk) “Information-computational system for storage, search and analytical processing of environmental data based on the Semantic Web technologies”
2. Privezentsev A.I., Fazliev A.Z. (Tomsk, Russia) “Automated knowledge processing. Applied ontologies of the information sources on water molecules and carbon dioxide”
3. Shchemel A., Yamskikh G. (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) “Using nonlinear regression models for reconstructing Holocene climate of Enisey-close Siberia basing on palinology data” <

Coffee break

11:15 – 13:20. Session 2. Basic and applied information-computational systems

Chair – G. Begni (France)

Invited reports
1. Gordov E.P., Fedotov A.M., Shokin Yu.I. (Russia, Novosibirsk, Tomsk) “Information-computational structure for Siberian Integrated Regional Study”
2. Klimova E. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Effective algorithm of data assimilation, based on the ensemble approach”

Oral reports
1. Okladnikov I.G, Gordov E.P., Shulgina T.M.., Titov A.G. (Russia, Tomsk) “Development of web-system for processing and visualization of meteorological and climatic data”
2. Akhloystin A.Yu., Kozodoev A.V., Lavrentiev N.A., Kozodoeva E.M., Privezentsev A.I. Fazliev A.Z.(Russia, Tomsk) “Distributed information system on molecular spectroscopy”
3. Glagolev V.A. (Russia, Birobidzhan) “Information system of estimation and the forecast of fire danger territory on meteorological conditions and data of remote sounding”
4. Dmitriev E.V., Kozoderov V.V., Borzyak V.V., Egorov V.D. (Russia, Moscow) “Recognition and environmental assessment of natural and anthropogenic objects from multispectral aerospace imagery”

Lunch break

15:00 – 19:00 Short oral presentations from Sessions 1 through 4. Following with the Poster Session 1
(Refreshments since 17:00)

Short presentations to Session 1.

1. Pashkov A., Markelova A., Tartakovsky V. (Russia, Tomsk) ”Joint filtration of data sequences: measure of collectivity and its maximization”

Short presentations to Session 2

1. Im S.T. (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) “Slope and aspect errors evaluation”poster
2. Kharanzhevskaya J.A., Sednev I.S. (Russia, Tomsk) “Design of geoinformation database “Peatlands of Tomsk district and their usage"”
3. Pushistov P.Yu, Vtorushin M.N., Romanenko R.D., Zamtsov V.A. (Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tomsk) “Analytical review and the electronic inventory-handbook of information-computational tools for planning and management of the water resources system”
4. Shmakov I. A., Lagutin A. A., Lagutin Al. A., Reznikov A. N. (Russia, Barnaul) “Information-computational system for near real-time monitoring of the environment and prediction of the sources of the natural disasters based on GIS GRASS”
5. Trynkina Å., Zabelina I. (Russia, Chita) “Information and analytical system: growth quality indicators” poster
6. Vetrova V.V. (Russia, Irkutsk) “ TROUS wavelet transform application in the information-forecasting software "GIPSAR" ”

Short presentations to Session 3

1. Fadeev R.Yu., Tolstykh M.A. (Russia, Moscow) “Simulation of the orography-induced waves with the nonhydrostatic model of the adiabatic atmosphere”
2. Getzieh R.J., Brovkin V., Reick Ch., Kleinen Th., Raddatz Th., Raivonen M., Sevanto S. (Germany, Hamburg; Finland, Helsinki) “Boreal wetlands, carbon cycle and climate - Implementing peat accumulation and methanogenesis into the fully coupled climate-vegetation model ECHAM5-MPIOM-JSBACH”
3. Vysotskaya G. S., Shevyrnogov A.P. (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) “Investigation of stability of the temperature dynamics in the Global Ocean on the base of satellite data statistical analyses”
4. Kostrykin S.V. (Russia, Moscow) “Testing of the new advection scheme for the general circulation model of INM RAS” poster
5. Krupchatnikoff V., Borovko I. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Stratosphere-troposphere coupling in simple AGCM and links with NAO/AO”
6. Mikushin D.N. (Russia, Moscow) “Modeling of the mesoscale atmospheric transport: physical and computational aspects” poster
7. Nogotkov I.V., Chavro A.I. (Russia, Moscow) “Reconstruction of small-scale fields of surface temperature using neural network”
8. Romanenko R.D., Danchev V.N., Sokolovich Yu.V., Kolesnikov F.N. (Russia, Khanty-Mansiisk) “Results of the analysis of the sensitivity of predictive variables of ecosystem dynamics of deep reservoirs and rivers to the variability of geophysical forcing parameters based on the application of CE-QUAL-W2 model”
9. Shlyaeva A.V., Tolstykh M.A. (Russia, Moscow) “Local ensemble transform Kalman filter for semilagrangian barotropic model of atmosphere” poster
10. Sokolov A., Dmitriev E., Augustin P., Delbarre H., Talbot Ch., [Khomenko G.] (Russia, Moscow; France, Dunkirk) “Simulation of local atmospheric dynamics of the costal region of Dunkirk, France” poster
11. Yurova A., Volodin E. (Russia, Moscow) “Soil carbon exchange simulations within a framework of the climate model with a carbon cycle”

Short presentations to Session 4

1. Abramov A.A., Lagutin A.A., Lagutin Al.A., Reznikov A.N., Shmakov I.A. (Russia, Barnaul) “Using satellite data and regional climatic models MM5/WRF to monitor and forecast forest wildfire risks dependent on the weather conditions”
2. Bart A.A., Belikov D.A., Starchenko A.V. (Russia, Tomsk) “Mathematical model for urban air quality prediction”
3. Danilkin E.A., Starchenko A.V. (Russia, Tomsk) “Application of LES approach for prediction of a turbulent flow in a street canyon”
4. Dubitskaya S.V., Fomin S.P. (Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk) “Assessment, monitoring and reducing risks to the environment and the population of the storage and disposal of explosives in Ukraine”
5. Faleychik L.M. (Russia, Chita) “Applying GIS technologies in the numerical modeling of the atmospheric processes” poster
6. Kovtun S.V., Admaev O.V., Gavrilenko T.V. (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) “Use of Markov’s processes for estimate of ecological environment of industrial city”
7. Lyapina E.E., Ippolitov I.I. (Russia, Tomsk) “Monitoring of ambient mercury concentration in air of Tomsk”
8. Petrova I., Mahura A., Dubasov Yu., Podgaisky E. (Russia, Saint-Petersburg; Denmark, Copenhagen) “Evaluation of atmospheric transport for elevated and lowered 85Kr concentrations during monitoring at regional background measurement station (Cherepovets, Vologda Region)” poster
9. Shmakov I.A., Lagutin A.A., Lagutin Al.A., Mordvin E.Yu., Rekk E.A., Sinitsin V.V. (Russia, Barnaul) “Near real-time retrieval of the atmospheric parameters using AIRS/Aqua data”
10. Mahura A., Leroyer S., Mestayer P., Baklanov A., Petersen C. (Denmark, France) “Urbanization in atmospheric modelling with high spatial and temporal resolution” poster
11. Nuterman R., Baklanov A., Starchenko A. (Denmark, Russia) “Coupling of different scale atmospheric models for environment modeling of urban areas” poster
12. Vivchar A., Moiseenko K., Skorokhod A., Shumsky R. (Russia) “Identification for anthropogenic sources of atmospheric emissions for nitrogen oxides with Lagrangian trajectories and data collected at background cite in Siberia in 2007-2008” poster
13. Gavrilova Yu., Mahura A., Smyshlayev S., Baklanov A. (Russia, Denmark) “Thermal and dynamical urban effects of Saint-Petersburg metropolitan area – winter case study” poster

Day 3, Monday July 13, 2009

9:00- 12:20. Session 3. Part 1. Physics of climate system

Chair: –V.N. Krupchatnikoff

Invited Lecture
Lykosov V.N. (Russia, Moscow) “Mesoscale aspects of numerical modeling of climate”

Invited reports
1. Claussen M. (Germany, Gamburg) “Land cover effect on climate”
2. Tolstykh M.A. (Russia, Moscow) “Global semi-Lagrangian atmospheric general circulation model oriented towards simulation of the atmospheric circulation on time scales from 1 to 120 days”
3. Begni G., Renaut D., Tanre D., Pelon J. (Toulouse, France) “Observing the Earth from space as an integrated system: the USA/F A-train concept”

Coffee break

4.Kabanov M.V., Zuev V.V., Krutikov V.A. (Russia, Tomsk) “Working out of the basic network for monitoring of natural and climatic processes in Siberia”
5. Zuev V.V. (Russia, Tomsk) “Long-term changes of TOC and UV-B radiation in subarctic region”

12:30- 13:30. Session 3. Part 2, Physics of climate system

Chair: M. Claussen (Germany)

Oral reports
1. Platov G.A. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Dense bottom water transport over the shelf of Arctic seas”
2. Krupchatnikoff V., Martynova Yu. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Connection between NAO/AO, surface climate over Northern Eurasia under global changes: possible mechanism”
3. Stepanenko V.M., Machulskaya E.E. (Russia, Moscow) “Development of lake models for weather and climate studies”
4. Kuzin V., Krupchatnikoff V., Golubeva E., Platov G., Krylova A., Fomenko A., Martynova Yu., Borovko I. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Feedbacks of the hydrology of the Northern Eurasia and Arctic basin to the climatic regime changes”
5. Yudin M.S. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Numerical studies of orography effects on meso-scale gravity flows in the atmosphere”
6. Pyanova E.A., Faleychik L.M. (Russia, Novosibirsk, Chita) “Probable temperature regime changes of the atmosphere in lower Angara region due to anticipated reservoirs”

Lunch break

15:00 – 16:50 Session 4. Urban and regional atmosphere: from modeling to monitoring and risk estimation

Chair –V.V. Penenko (Russia)

Invited reports
1. Penenko V.V. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Optimal forecasting of atmospheric quality in industrial regions: risk and uncertainty assessment”
2. Starchenko A.V., Bart A.A., Belikov D.A., Danilkin E.A. (Russia, Tomsk) “Mesoscale models for urban air quality research with high resolution”
3. Kurbatsky A.F., Kurbatskaya L.I. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Study of atmospheric stable boundary layers over a rough surface”

Oral reports
1. Nicheporchuk V.V., Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Simonov K.V. (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) “Estimation method of risk parameters for atmosphere pollution of Krasnoyarsk region”


17:20 – 19:20 Session 5. Environment and biodiversity risks and socio-economic impact

Chair: V. V. Zuev

Invited reports
1. Baklanov A.A., Korsholm U.S., Mahura A.G., Gross A. (Denmark, Copenhagen) “Chemical weather forecasting: a new concept and methodology”
2. Penenko V.V., Tsvetova E.A. (Russia) ”Main factors of climate variability and their application for environment protection problems in Siberia”

Oral reports
1. Dubrovskaya O.A., Klimova E.G. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Monitoring of an environment in a zone of forest fires on the satellite data and meteorological information”
2. Moiseenko K.B., Skorokhod A.I., Elansky N.F., Vivchar A.V., Belikov I.B., Pankratova N.V., Beresina E.V. (Russia, Moscow) “Analysis of large-scale variability of the surface air chemical composition in the Northern Eurasia basing on the measurements at Zotino station and during the TROICA experiments”
3. Koutzenogii Ê.P., Makarov V.I., Samsonov Yu.N., Trubina L.K. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Aerosol generator with operated particle size distribution used to model spatial-temporal variability of the optic characteristics of aerosol emission and fogs in an atmospheric surface layer”
4. Koutzenogii K.P., Rovny S.I., Bakulov A.S., Tarasov O.V. (Russia, Novosibirsk) “Aerosol emissions from forest fires at radionuclide polluted territories”

NEESPI Workshop Program

Day 4, Tuesday, July 14, 2009

9:00 – 9:45 Session 6. Programmatic and Introductory talks

Chair: N.M. Tchebakova

Opening Statements. Charge to the Workshop (P. Groisman, E. Gordov)
1. Groisman P. (USA) “Overview of the current status of the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Why contemporary climatic changes in Northern Eurasia force us to be expedient in our research”
2. Gordov E.P., Vaganov E.A. (Russia) “Siberia Integrated Regional Study: The state of the art”

9:45 – 11:10 Session 7. Cryosphere Studies in Siberia

Chair: P. Ya. Groisman

Invited Lecture
Romanovsky V.E., Kholodov A., Marchenko S., Grosse G. (USA) “Changes in permafrost in Northern Eurasia and a new concept of permafrost watch”.

Invited reports
1. Razuvaev V., Bulygina O., Romanov P., Groisman P. (Russia, USA) “Snow cover changes over Siberia from in situ and satellite observations”
2. Shmakin A.B., Popova V.V., Turkov D.V. (Russia) “Changes of snow cover in Northern Eurasia: tendencies and interaction with climate system”

Coffee break

11:40 – 13:30 Session 8. From Climate to the Biosphere

Chair: Vladimir Romanovsky

Invited reports
1. Shkolnik I., Efimov S., Pavlova T., Nadyozhina E. (Russia) “Modeling climate over Russian regions: RCM validation and future projections”
2. Tchebakova N.M., Parfenova E.I., Shkolnik I.M. (Russia) “Use of a MGO regional climate model for assessing vegetation change in Siberia in the 21st century”

Oral reports
1. Shulgina T.M., Genina E.Yu, Gordov E.P. (Russia, Tomsk) “Statistical analysis of atmosphere temperature variability for Northern Eurasia based on reanalysis and in-situ observed data”
2. Troy T.J., Wood E.F., Sheffield J. (USA) “Estimating the water and energy budgets across Northern Eurasia”
3. Bohn T.J., Podest E., Schroeder R., McDonald K.C., Bowling L.C., Glagolev M., Lettenmaier D.P. (USA, Russia) “Estimating soil moisture, inundation, and carbon emissions from Siberian wetlands using models and remote sensing”
4. Bhatt U.S., Walker D.A., Raynolds M., Comiso J., Epstein H.E., Jia J., Gens R. (USA, China) “Panarctic linkages between greening of Arctic tundra, sea ice decline, and summer land temperatures”
Lunch break

15:00 – 18:30 Short oral presentations from Sessions 6 through 10. Following with the Poster Session 2
(Refreshments since 17:00)
Chair: E.P. Gordov (Russia)

Short presentations to Session 5

1. Baklanov A., Lawrence M., Pandis S., Mahura A. and the MEGAPOLI Team (Denmark, Germany, Greece) ”MEGAPOLI: methodology, approaches and first results” poster
2. Chernokulsky A.V., Mokhov I.I. (Russia) “Estimates of possible changes of forest fire risks in Russia from model simulations for the 21st century” poster

Short presentations to Session 7

1. Kholodov A.L., Romanovsky V.E., Gilichinsky D.A., Rivkina E.M. (USA, Russia) “Permafrost response on the climate changes in the Northern Yakutia: modern state and possible hazards” poster
2. Shiklomanov N.I.(USA) "Geographic assessment of permafrost bearing capacity in West Siberia under warming climate" poster
3. Timosok E.N. (Russia) “Model of floral succession on moraines of the Maly Actru glacier”
4. Walker D.A., Leibman M.O., Epstein H.E., Forbes B.C., Bhatt U.S., Raynolds M.K., Comiso J.C., Gubarkov A.A., Khomutov A.V., Jia G.J., Kaarlej?rvi E., Kaplan J.O., Kumpula T., Kuss J.P., Matyshak G., Moskalenko N.G., Orekhov P., Ukraientseva N.K., Yu Q. (USA, Russia, Finland, China, Switzerland) “Tundra greening on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Spatial and temporal patterns of NDVI and the roles of rapid permafrost degradation and landslides”

Short presentations to Session 8

1. Bezuglova N.N., Zinchenko G.S., Sukovatov Yu.A. (Russia) “Application of Welch method for researching the time structure of series of NAO index and precipitation quantity for West Siberia region”
2. Bogomolov, V.Yu. and E.P. Gordov (Russia) High spatial resolution retrieval of meteorological fields on the basis of WRF model and meteorological stations datasets
3. Bychkova V.I. (Russia) “Modeling of precipitation and wind in the Black Sea coast of Caucasus. Risk estimation”
4. Dyukarev E.A. (Russia) “Influence of Siberian High on temperature extremes”
5. Dyukarev E.A., Pologova N.N., Golovatskaya E.A. (Russia) “Analyses of changes in vegetation cover at key site "Bakcharskiy" using Landsat data”
6. Kharyutkina E.V., Ippolitov I.I., Loginov S.V. (Russia) “Analysis of eddy and convective energies of cyclone formations on the territory of Siberia” poster
7. Konstantinova D.A. (Russia) “Lighting discharges density on the Tomsk region’s territory”
8. Ogryzkova T.M., Spitsina T.P. (Russia) “Basic hydrological and chemical characteristics of an annual river flow of natural and anthropogenic landscape”
9. Okhrimov E.A., Spitsina T.P., Panov A.B. (Russia) “Basic characteristics of groundwater inflow of the river Laletina in natural reserve «Stolby»”
10. Podnebesnykh N.V., Ippolitov I.I., Gorbatenko V.P. (Russia) “Climatology of vortex activity at Western Siberia in 1976-2006”
11. Romanenko R.D. (Russia) “Methods and the results of detailed field study of geometry of a channel, water-level and flow velocity of the Northern Sosva for developing the information-modelling systems of hydrodynamics and water quality”
12. Shmakov I.A., Lagutin A.A., Zhukov A.P., Lagutin Al.A., Sinitsin V.V. (Russia) “Surface albedo retrieval using MODIS/Terra data”
13. Shulgina T.M., Shchepashchenko D., Shvidenko A., Gordov E.P. (Ausria, Russia) “Climate change dynamics and its impact on productivity of the Russian forest ecosystems” poster
14. Sokolov K.I, Ippolitov I.I, Loginov S.V. (Russia) “Analysis of variability of the elements of water balance in the troposphere over the territory of Siberia in the 2-nd half of the XX century”
15. Taseiko O.V., Mikhailuta S.V. (Russia) “Vertical temperature distribution over Krasnoyarsk territory according by microwave sounding”

Short presentations to Session 9

1. Budishchev A.A., Solovyev V.S., Varlamova E.V., Vasil’ev M.S. (Russia) “Investigation of spatial-temporal dynamics of aerosol emissions caused by forest fires in Yakutia on remote sensing data”
2. Ivanova Yu. (Russia) “Comparison of NPP estimations basing on regional and satellite data”
3. Kukavskaya E.A., Ivanova G.A., Gila S.V. (Russia) “Fire carbon emissions in light-coniferous forests of Siberia”
4. Martynova Yu.V. (Russia)“Estimation of feedbacks between vegetation variations and surface temperature and humidity for Siberia”
5. Mikhailuta S.V., Taseiko O.V. (Russia) “Systems of regional ecological monitoring by example of Krasnoyarsk region”
6. Soja A., Westberg D., Stackhouse P. Jr., Tchebakova N., Parfenova E., McRae D., Ji-Zhong Jin (USA, Russia, Canada) “Using satellite and station data to evaluate the ability of fire weather to estimate extreme fire events in Siberia in preparation for future fire weather prediction” poster
7. Varlamova E.V., Solovyev V.S., Vasil’ev M.S., Budishchev A.A. (Russia) “Research of variations of vegetation index of Yakutia on satellite data”
8. Rubtsov A.V., Sukhinin A.I., Vaganov E.A. (Russia) “Analysis of actual fire activity and weather fire danger in Siberian forest” poster
9. Koshurnikova N.N., Verkhovets S.V., Panov A.V. (Russia) “The carbon cycle parameters in the dark-coniferous forests of southern taiga” poster

Short presentations to Session 10

Gordov E.P, Lane C. (Russia, USA) “Identification, characterization, and functional assessments of isolated wetlands in Western Siberia”

Conference Dinner

Day 5, Wednesday, July 15, 2009

10:00- 11:00 Session 9. Part 1. Biogeochemical Cycles in Siberia

Chair: V. Brovkin (Germany)

Invited reports
1. Winderlich J., Heimann M. (Germany) “Recent results of GHG monitoring at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO)”
2. Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Davydov D.K., Inoue G., Krasnov O.A., Machida T., Maksyutov S., Nedelec P., Paris J.-D., Cias P., Tolmachev G.N., Fofonov A.V. (Russia, Japan, France) “Monitoring of greenhouse and oxidizing gases in the atmosphere over Siberia and some its results”

Oral reports
1. Arshinova V.G., Belan B.D., Rasskazchikova T.M., Simonenkov D.V., Tolmachev G.N. (Russia, Tomsk) “Influence of Siberian cities on chemical and dispersive composition of atmospheric aerosol”

Coffee break

11:30 – 13:35 Session 9. Part 2. Biogeochemical Cycles in Siberia

Chair A. Onuchin (Russia)

Invited reports
1. Brovkin V. (Germany) “Modeling dynamic vegetation within the Earth System models”
2. Degermendgi A., Fedotov A., Pestunov I., Vaganov E. (Russia) “Models of biosphere change based on the carbon balance due to boreal ecosystems using field and satellite data observations”

Oral reports
1. Krupchatnikoff V., Martynova Yu. (Russia) “Study of vegetation dynamics in Northern Eurasia climate system on the base of coupled model ocean-atmosphere-vegetation-soil under global climate changes: Scenario A2”
2. Sherman N. J., Loboda T., Sun G., Shugart H.H., Csiszar I. (USA) “Using remotely sensed data and the FAREAST Forest Succession Model to estimate biomass and LAI across a complex landscape in the Russian Far East”
3. Okladnikov I.G., Krankina O.N., Tsolmon R., Gordov E.P. (Russia)“Anthropogenic impact on land-cover changes in the heart of Asia”
4. Kharuk V.I., Ranson K.J. (Russia, USA). “Fire returning intervals in larch dominated communities: variability along a south-north transect”
5. Ivanova G.A., Bogorodskaja A.V., Kovaleva N.M., Krasnoshekova E.N., Kukavskaya E.A., Conard S.G., McRae D.D. (Russia, USA) “Fire impact on carbon balance and components of forest ecosystems of Central Siberia”

Lunch break

15:00- 17:30 Session 10. Siberia Integrated Regional Study

Chair: V.I. Kharuk (Russia)

Invited reports
1. Gordov E.P., Kabanov M.V., Lykosov V.N., Vaganov E.A. (Russia) “SIRS NEESPI megaproject: results and perspectives”
2. Verkhovets S.V., Vaganov Å.À., Slinkina O., Panov A. (Russia) “High resolution studies of Siberian ecosystem at regional scale”
3. Krutikov V.A., Kabanov M.V., Shishlov V.I. (Russia) “Integrated regional studies of climatic and ecosystem changes in Siberia”
4. Dyukarev E.A., Kabanov M.V. (Russia) “Development of scientific and technological bases for monitoring and modeling of natural and climatic processes over the Great Vasjugan Bog area”
5. Trochkine D., Pavlov V., Sutorikhin I., Romanov A., Bezuglova N., Zinchenko G. (Russia, Barnaul) “Seasonal change of water content in the atmosphere over the West Siberia on the basis of remote sensing using ENVISAT (ESA)”
6. Onuchin A.A., Korets M.A. (Russia) “Application of geographic features and terrain attributes for the detailed mapping of climatic trends”


18:00-19:00 Discussion of the Workshop Documents including a new book outline

19:00 Adjourn

Day 6-9, July 16-19, 2009

Post-Workshop Field Trips to Zotino, Solenogorsk, and Tanjibey Biospheric Stations of the SB-RAS Forest Institute.